How Repute Digital uses digital footprints to check for risk
We all have some form of digital footprint.
Whether it be on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Ebay, Uber, Paypal or Airbnb. It's the trail you leave behind every time you use the internet.
It all says something about us and can be used to extract insights about who we are.
Repute Digital collects digital footprints, with permission, of people transacting with companies – spanning credit card payments, insurance, lending, recruitment, property management as well as the sharing economy.
They use this information to help businesses understand their customers better. This means companies can check if someone is who they say they are, figure out how much of a risk they might be, and offer services or products that are more suited to what that person actually needs.
David Griffiths, Founder of Repute Digital, who has held senior positions at Optus, Symantec and HTC, jumped out of the corporate world seven years ago and pioneered the solution to help businesses leverage available identity-based data.
David explains, “Our lives are now so entrenched in digital. It’s ultimately reflective of who we are, it's our ‘digital DNA’. Whether we like it or not, we are all leaving breadcrumbs which form our digital footprint.”
“As we still use our date of birth and or address to validate our identity, it’s becoming harder to fake your digital identity and reputation given the breadth and depth of our interactions online.”
Today, we are also now seeing our earned reputation influencing the service levels and user experience we receive.
For example, being told by an Uber driver that you’re lucky they picked you up as they usually don’t pick up people with a rating of 4.5 and below.
Trust, reputation and identity are becoming the cornerstones of the digital economy.
The entrepreneur journey
David says that his journey has been made easier through being a part of fintech innovation hub, Stone & Chalk.
“Being on this path requires an enormous amount of tenacity, self-belief, resilience and positivity. You can generate some of that yourself, however being surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs who are on the same journey, facing similar challenges, and being supported by the Stone & Chalk team, makes things so much easier.”
“From access to high profile industry mentors, to the collaboration that is possible amongst other residents, to interacting with corporate partners, it all helps,” David says.
If you’re interested in learning more about how Repute Digital can help your business make better risk decisions and gain a new level of insight about customers and who you transact with, reach out.
23 July 2019