Case Study: Pathfinder Series – BAE Systems Australia x Stone & Chalk

This collaboration [between Stone & Chalk and BAE] is the best of both worlds – Stone & Chalk’s capability and knowledge of the ecosystem, and BAE System’s knowledge of the defence requirements, the defence customer, and the domain as a whole. – Tom, Head of Industry Development, BAE Systems Australia
Stone & Chalk has been selected to be our collaboration partner for this event. The team has demonstrated the willingness, the aptitude, and the deep experience to really deliver innovative companies that bring defence innovation to life. – Sharon, Business Development and Continuous Naval Shipbuilding Director, BAE Systems Australia
Leveraging innovation to grow an industry
The Pathfinder Series between Stone & Chalk and BAE Systems Australia seeks to leverage Australia’s emerging tech innovators in order to grow the defence and security sectors.
The series began with a collaborative workshop in Stone & Chalk’s Adelaide workshop on 23 June, where BAE mentors and experts were able to work with a select group of Stone & Chalk’s community to address current issues facing the industry. With an electric and enthusiastic atmosphere, the ideas that were generated during the discussions showed everyone how tapping into the fresh thinking of Stone & Chalk’s founders was a recipe for success.

Nurturing the future of defence and security tech
Of the 17 startups from different industries who took part, all were matched with a BAE Systems mentor. These relationships will provide ongoing support for the startups who are looking to expand into the defence and security industry, as well as provide BAE Systems experts with the chance to grow the sector by sharing their expertise with our innovative founders.
Expanding across the nation
Following the success of the Adelaide workshop, the Pathfinder Series has now expanded into Melbourne, with the second event in the series happening in a to-be-announced location on 12 October.
This extended reach will allow BAE Systems to further tap into the innovation community through the unparalleled access Stone & Chalk provides to some of the most exciting startup and scaleup founders available.
Interested in utilising the power of innovation to grow your business? Reach out to Stone & Chalk's partnerships team to discover how we can help you gain a competitive advantage through emerging tech.